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    +Product Introduction

    HONET UA5000

    UA5000 adopts advanced integration platform design to support V5, H.248/MGCP, internal agreement, it provides GE/FE/E1, as integrated AG, V5 integrated access, integrated switch modules equipment.
    +Product Details

    Product Overview

    UA5000 adopts advanced integration platform design to support V5, H.248/MGCP, internal agreement, it provides GE/FE/E1, as integrated AG, V5 integrated access, integrated switch modules equipment. UA5000 uses TDM + GE + test +bus” three-bus design, 100G back-plane capacity (TDM exchange capacity 8K * 8K, broadband switching capacity 34G). It has a high density users-carrying capacity . the single-site cascade networking can reach to 8000 users. . UA5000 has rich user side and network side interface, and can be built in the embedded optical transmission equipment, achieving FTTB, FTTC networking capability.

    Detailed description

    UA5000 adopts advanced integration platform design to support V5, H.248/MGCP, internal agreement, it provides GE/FE/E1, as integrated AG, V5 integrated access, integrated switch modules equipment. UA5000 uses "TDM + GE + test +bus” three-bus design, 100G back-plane capacity (TDM exchange capacity 8K * 8K, broadband switching capacity 34G). It has a high density users-carrying capacity . the single-site cascade networking can reach to 8000 users. . UA5000 has rich user side and network side interface, and can be built in the embedded optical transmission equipment, achieving FTTB, FTTC networking capability.

    UA5000 can be placed on the 19-inch standard cabinet, sucha as ONU-F01A , ONU-F02A. ONU-F01 02A has two configuration types:

    The integrated configuration: the user box, optical transmission equipment, DC power supply, battery and patch panels placed in a cabinet, to meet the needs of small and medium capacity users.
    The Split configuration: battery and patch panels external, if necessary, external DC power and configure multiple cabinets to meet the needs of users in medium to large capacity.


    the 1.8 m-height ONU-F01A cabinet provides split configuration, primary power supply can be built in with battery and patch panels external. each cabinet with a box of users, a single cabinet supports 960POTS/ADSL at most.
    ONU-F02A cabinet is 2.2m in height, supports integration and fission two configurations. When configurated as integration , DC power, battery and patch panels are built-in, each cabinet with 1 box users, the single cabinet supports 960POTS/ADSL maximumly. When configurated as fission, it has power internal and power external these two types with batteries and patch panels are external. When the power supply is internally installed, each cabinet with a box of users, a single cabinet supports 960POTS/ADSL at most. When the power supply is externally installed, each cabinet with 2 box users, the single cabinet support 1920POTS/ADSL maximumly.

    Product Features:

    High-density system design
    UA5000 uses new back-plane design, single-frame support 960 Road POTS, 960 Road ADSL2 + at most.

    High-performance system design

    The UA5000 system backplane uses the IP + TDM Multi-bus design. The back-plane bandwidth is 100G , TDM switching capacity is 8K * 8K, broadband switching capacity is 34G, 2GE +4 FE uplink.

    Highly reliable system design

    The UA5000 system has high reliability, with the exception handling capabilities of telecom-grade operation products. Its main control unit and PWX power system support 1 +1 hardware redundancy backups. Key resources such as DSP, supports load sharing work mode.

    Flexible networking and wide coverage

    The UA5000 system has flexible networking capabilities including L2/L3, SDH, MSTP, optical fiber direct connection as well as networking mode of the remote twisted-pair cable based on G.SHDSL.

    All-weather serialization RT

    UA5000 system supports cabints with various specifications, such as indoor, outdoor, former maintenance, after-maintenance, cassette, integrated power distribution frame, separated power distribution frame, DC power supply, AC-power supply, remote power supply, which can completely cover the networking demands of the user capacity from dozens of lines to several thousand lines. And it supports remote power supply to solve supply problems in remote areas and reduce the cost of network construction.

    Intelligent management and maintenance

    The UA5000’s humane maintenance interface makes the MSAN fault diagnosis, alarm management, performance statistics, user number allocation easier. The iManager N2000 provides the xDSL expert system to make xDSL maintenance more intelligent.

    Rich network side and user side interfaces

    On the network side, UA5000 provides multiple uplink interface such as FE, GE, ATM, E1, tit access PSTN, DDN, ATM, IP network through the same equipment , atthe same time, it supports the V5, H.248/MGCP protocol and supports IMS evolution (SIP), effectively reducing the risks posed by the rapidly changing telecom technology to carriers.

    On the user side, UA5000 provides POTS, ISDN-BRI, ISDN-PRI, the ADSL/ADSL2 + VDSL/VDSL2, ATM G.SHDSL TDM G.SHDSL, FE, E1, E1 circuit emulation, V.35/V.24 various interfaces, in addition, it offers 2/4 wire audio Line, E & M relay, direct-dialing to the user interface, all service board slots compatible with freely mixed insertion.

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