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    ZTE Participates in the ONF SDN Test with its 5G-Oriented Microwave Product

    The Release Time:2017-08-10 The number of reading:2515

    10 August 2017, Shenzhen, China – ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, today announced that it has successfully participated in the radio backhaul SDN Proof of Concept (PoC) test held by the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) for multiple vendors. ZTE used the NR8120A in this test. Being part of the NR8000 product family, the NR8120A is a brand new 5G-oriented platform device.

    As a non-profit organization, ONF has been committed to promoting SDN standardization and application, and has held three SDN PoC tests by 2016. The fourth test was held from June 26 to June 29 this year in Bonn, Germany. The test scope involved microwave applications based on the ONF TR532 model, Precision Timing Protocol (PTP) applications based on ITU-T G.8275.1, and Ethernet service applications based on ONF CoreModel (TR512). On the invitation of Deutsche Telekom, one of the sponsors, ZTE participated in the test of all test cases.  

    The community adopted the service-sensing wireless power management solution put forward by ZTE in the test. When the traffic is light, this solution can dynamically decrease the transmit power on the air interface to reduce power consumption and frequency interference. ZTE also took responsible for developing the Ethernet service re-routing application in a typical scenario for transmission service protection. This application performed service path re-routing in case that the air interface bandwidth failed to satisfy the service requirement due to environment deterioration. It was one of the most complicated applications in this PoC test, which was performed positively and successfully as an ONF Wireless Transport team. The work of ZTE was unanimously approved by the PoC team.

    As a participant and driver of the community, ZTE has actively promoted standard setting and improvement in the microwave field and has propelled the development of the industry by virtue of its innovative technologies. In the future, ZTE will be committed to the SDN development in the radio backhaul field and will jointly explore SDN business opportunities with operators!  

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