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    Huawei OTN Solution Helps T-Mobile Austria Build Next-Generation Large-Capacity WDM Transport Network

    The Release Time:2017-08-04 The number of reading:2663

    [Vienna, Austria, August 4, 2017] Huawei announced that T-Mobile Austria, a DT company, has selected Huawei’s OTN solution for its planned metro WDM and backbone WDM. The projects are intended to build a next-generation large-capacity WDM transport network with leading performance to support the growth of network traffic and services of T-Mobile Austria over the next five years.

    As a well-known mobile telecommunications service provider in Austria, T-Mobile Austria has about 1300 employees and serves 4.6 million users. T-Mobile Austria also provides top-level IT services around the world in cooperation with T-Systems.

    The fast-growing traffic driven by new services such as LTE/LTE-A, IoT, Big Data, cloud computing, and 4K video, requires T-Mobile Austria’s metro networks to provide higher bandwidth and lower latency.

    To cope with the challenge, T-Mobile Austria chose Huawei's simplified OTN solution to increase bandwidth to 200G per wavelength with minimum optical fiber resources using the latest WDM technologies. T-Mobile Austria also deploys OTN devices at CO sites to simplify network layers and eliminate intermediate aggregation and forwarding to achieve direct optical connections between sites, minimizing network latency for emerging services and future seamless evolution.

    T-Mobile Austria’s existing backbone network provides a maximum of 40 100G wavelengths, which is insufficient to handle current and future traffic loads. At the same time, 10G/100G hybrid transmission exists in many places, which affects the transmission performance of the network. Moreover, the complex dispersion compensation configuration leads to difficulties in network planning and O&M and is unable to support the future DC-centric network architecture. To address these pain points, Huawei provides a comprehensive all-optical backbone network solution, which increases bandwidth, allows flexible traffic grooming, and supports seamless evolution of the CloudDCI network architecture to embrace the challenges brought by future service cloudification.

    The network-wide CDCG-ROADM configuration supports on-demand service grooming, 80 100G/200G/400G channels per fiber, and seamless evolution to the future 1T ultra-high-speed transmission.

    The new-generation high-speed coherent communications technology feeds the demand for bandwidth and eliminates hybrid transmission and complex dispersion compensation configuration. The technology, coupled with Huawei's intelligent optical-layer OSNR monitoring, fiber self-test system and simplified OTN architecture, will significantly simplify network planning and O&M to meet the fast growth of inter-DC traffic in the coming five to 10 years.

    Andreas Bierwirth, CEO of T-Mobile Austria, said, “Huawei has always been a reliable partner of T-Mobile Austria, and I look forward to the future strategic cooperation, which will help T-Mobile Austria build an image of technology leadership in Austria.”

    "As a long-term strategic partner, Huawei will continue to help T-Mobile Austria in the transformation to a digital service provider,” said Duan Aiguo, general manager of WDM Domain for Huawei’s transport network product line. “Huawei's simplified OTN solution will help T-Mobile Austria build a highly secure, large-capacity, low-latency, and easy-to-operate-and-maintain networks. The new network capabilities will enable T-Mobile Austria to enter more vertical industries. We are looking forward to the strategic cooperation between Huawei and T-Mobile Austria and will help T-Mobile Austria achieve greater business success and win-win development."

    As a global leader in the optical network industry, Huawei provides the best network solutions to support its customers’ success.

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